Topic: VIDEOFOCUS - Open call for international artists

Whether it falls under the heading of artfilm or experimental movie, you are invited to submit your work to VIDEOFOCUS, our special Stigmart issue focused on video.
The selection will be proceded by our team and will cover worldwide productions and various formats and media.
It is possible to tender more than one work.
International submission are encouraged. Submissions are accepted from now on until November 30, 2013.


Please send to stigmart@europe.com your CV, a video link and a 200 words or less statement.
You can also fill the submission form here.
Please send your CV via email or your submission will not be considered.

No entry fees are required. Only selected artists will pay a life-long 10€ contribution to Stigmart.10. Fee waiver for artists previously selected for our annual Stigmart10 net-press.
For any question: stigmart@europe.com

Submissions are accepted from now on until November 30, 2013.
