Topic: Call for Papers First International Conference "Science Art" MSU, RF

First International Conference "Science Art", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RF
April 4-5, 2012

Dear colleagues,
We invite you to take part in The First International Conference «Science Art». The conference will be held at Lomonosov Moscow State University on April 4-5, 2012.
In the framework of the conference art exhibition is supposed.

1. Philosophic and aesthetic grounds of science art
Science art as a synthesis of scientific and artistic ways of the knowledge
Receptive images and scientific concepts
Scientism in art: a new outlook of the problem
Visualization of scientific representations
From “worldview” to science and art
2. Art criticism, cultural and psychological foundations of science art
Scientific foundations and strategy of development of new forms of actual art
Perspectives of empirical aesthetics
Emotions in science and art
Reflexive processes and artistic creativity
3. Theory and history of science art
Science Art: definitions and scopes
Artistic devices, methods and means of expressiveness in science art
Artistic image in science art
Problems of style in science art
History of science art and its separate forms
Creative portraits of Russian and foreign masters of science art and digital art
The experience of supporting and popularization of science art
Problems and prospects of science art
4. New technologies in actual art and design
Digital, computer and robotics technologies in contemporary art
Technologies of virtual reality in art
Nanotechnologies in actual art
New products as result of development of workshop ideas
Works of science art as tools of advertising scientific researches and innovative products
5. Practices of science art
Digital art
Artistic virtual reality
Bio-, genetic-, transgenetic- and other forms of art using methods and technologies of biology and genetics
Plasma-, ferrofluid- and other forms of art using methods and technologies of physical and chemical investigations
Forms of actual art using methods and technologies of other areas of fundamental and applied sciences

Forms and details you can find on the conference's site www.science-art.ru
Please e-mail to: sciart2012@gmail.com
Submissions due: 15 December 2011