Topic: Call for entries Global Faces of Contemporary Art

Argos Gallery is an independent organization formed by a group of art professionals, devoted to the care, counseling and dissemination of professional contemporary artists from around the world.

     Our goal is to discover, support and promote artists whose speeches could be considered trendsetters of today's art. We seek to connect these international artists and establish a long-term relationship.

    In this opportunity, Argos Gallery, is inviting to the first edition of “Global Faces of Contemporary Art” which seeks to contribute to the art world, facilitating the dispersion of global art discourses, providing a bibliographic source for future generations, promoting the quality and consistency of artistic production and strengthening the ties between all kinds of professionals involved with art and culture around the world.

    We are calling upon contemporary artists of all nationalities, without exception of categories or mediums, to participate in our search for the new names of contemporary avant-garde art, of both current and future generations.

    The rules, terms and conditions and application form, will be available online starting June 25, 2010 on the gallery’s website: www.argosgallery.com and will be closed on October 1, 2010. Starting October 25, 2010 the jury will be notifying the selected artists individually.

    The selected artists will be exhibited in our online gallery, receive a one year tutoring by our advisers, will have international publicity and will be part of our biannual art catalog that will be distributed among the major galleries and museums around the world.

    The jury will select from digital applications, there are no limitations, but some essential aspects to consider are:
    - Work must be original
    - Presentation care
    - Consistency and coherence in the working process
    - Quality of Representation: The photographs and / or work templates must have a resolution of 300 dpi
    - Details annexes will be valued

    Registration fee: 30 us$