Topic: Bogliasco Foundation Fellowships in Italy

Upcoming Deadline: April 15!

The Bogliasco Foundation administers a residential Fellowship program on the Italian Riviera in Bogliasco, Italy, for artists and scholars working in all of the humanistic disciplines: Archaeology, Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Classics, Dance, Film/Video, History, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Theater and Visual Arts.

Approximately 50 Fellowships are awarded per year, and since 1996, the Foundation has welcomed more than 700 Fellows who have traveled from 40 countries to work at the Liguria Study Center. Full room and board is provided, along with a private work studio.  Fellows are welcome to bring their spouses and partners if they wish. On average, there are 14-16 Fellows individuals in residence together, and a formal, communal dinner is served every evening.

Our upcoming deadline for the submission of applications is April 15, 2013, for the winter-spring semester beginning in February 2014.

For complete program information and application procedures, please visit the Bogliasco Foundation's website at www.bfny.org.