Topic: Fading Light - Open Call for Writing

"Fading Light" Juried Writing Competition

Open to Interpretation is now calling on writers to submit work for consideration in a juried book competition. 

Project Details:
Open to Interpretation is a collaborative book project bringing together photographers, poets and writers. Each book begins with a themed call for photos. The chosen photos become the literary inspiration for the writers' submissions. A book is created that matches each winning photo with two stories or poems that offer different interpretations of the image. The unique collaboration adds new dimensions to both the photos and the written word.

The photographers sent us their images of shadows, absence of light, twilight, darkness, losing light, and transformation. Now it's your turn to use the images to inspire your words. Your poems and stories may include the literal description of the work, personal memories, metaphorical associations, or your mood inspired by the image.  Poetry, flash fiction, narrative, ekphrastic poetry, short story, memoir, non-fiction, song lyrics, myth, tall tale or fairy tale - all genres are acceptable. 

Theme: Fading Light
Judge: Jacqueline Kolosov
Submission Fee: $20 for 3 poems or prose, $10 each additional
Deadline for Submission: November 13, 2012

$500 Judge's Selection Award

Jacqueline Kolosov's ekphrastic poetry collection is Modigliani's Muse (TurningPoint, 2009). Her third collection, Memory of Blue, is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry in early 2013. Pecan Grove Press just released Hourglass. She also works in prose and has published essays, short fiction, as well as several young adult novels. Recent journal publications include The Southern Review, The Missouri Review, Orion, and Confrontation. She was awarded an NEA Literature Fellowship in Prose in 2008. A native of Chicago, Jacqueline is now on the creative writing faculty at Texas Tech University. 
Entries are submitted online at http://www.open2interpretation.com/subm … light.html

Open to Interpretation
Juried Book Competition of Photography, Poetry and Prose