Topic: re-new / IMAC 2012

Cybernetics revisited – towards a third order?
re-new / IMAC 2012 has now opened the call for papers and artistic works. Submission deadline is March 1st, and the event takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark on

November 19-24 2012

The combined media art and conference event is a critical and inclusive project that addresses the use of interactive media in art and everyday use. It combines a reflective attitude with an active approach and it is transversal in that it goes across institution profiles, production formats and consumption segments. The scope includes conferences, workshops, featured keynotes, video programs, installations and performative works. re-new / IMAC is always looking for persons and projects that help steer and scrutinize the vast and ever-expanding realm of contemporary culture.

The overall theme for re-new / IMAC 2012 will frame cybernetics in the un-controlled/-controllable organizations that penetrate and immerse contemporary mankind and society. Interaction, autonomy, innateness, emergence, meta materials, self-construction and -organization are among the factors that contribute to the field.

Proposals of maximum 2 pages can be made for full papers, posters and demos in these categories:

  • (Norbert) Wiener Classic
    Cybernetics and (urban) politics
    Interactive media art – towards a ‘third order’?

Artistic submission are accepted in all categories, with special emphasis on interactive media art forms - performative, installation, participative, collaborative, distributed in sound/music, visual, haptic and cross-media.

For further information please go to http://www.re-new.org.

The event is organized by re-new digital arts forum in collaboration with Aalborg University.