Topic: Photography Artist Residency Grant Announcement

Vision Quest Photo Workshops announces a new yearly grant of a one-week photographic artist's residency. For mid-career fine-art photographers looking for a retreat-like experience to work on their art, reflect on their artistic direction, make new photographs, plan new career paths, or to simply have time away from work/family/life pressure and stress. Photographers can use this time to move their art or career forward or to reflect on where they are and where they are headed.

Stay in a very private retreat in the woods along the banks of a pristine sand-bottom river, located near Grantsburg, Wisconsin (about an hour drive from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul). The residency will include a private consultation, in person or via phone, with Vision Quest Photo Workshops founder and director Douglas Beasley before the week begins and after it's conclusion. For more details go to VQPhoto.com

To apply: Submit 12 images, artist statement, and statement of purpose
Deadline: July 31, 2011
Submission Fee: $20 for up to 12 images
Residency Dates: Flexible to recipient's schedule
Results Announced: August 15, 2011
Juror: Douglas Beasley and guest juror