Topic: 2010 Art Contest - Awards valued at $38,000

Agora Gallery of New York City is pleased to announce the 25th Chelsea International Fine Art Competition 2010. Awards valued at Thirty Eight Thousand dollars ($38,000) will be distributed as follows: exhibition at our New York art gallery, cash awards, Internet exposure and publicity in ARTisSpectrum magazine.

The exhibition will take place in New York City. The gallery/artist split will be 50/50. In the spirit of giving, 25% of Agora Gallery's proceeds of sales resulting from the competition exhibition will be donated to Art Start, an award-winning, nationally recognized program helping underprivileged youth and teens.

Visit http://www.agora-gallery.com/competitio … _main.aspx to enter online.


February 4th 2010 - Competition opens
March 14th 2010 - Submission deadline
March 26th 2010 - Results announced
August 17th 2010 through September 10th 2010 - Exhibition for the selected artists