Topic: NFA: legal proceedings against F. Waldvogel 3rd july

While you are talking about 'a balanced discussion' NFA (and propably the "demolition artists", as Patroclos called them, behind NFA) continues the attacks against the freedom of art: On June, 21st Florian Waldvogel received a letter by NFA, saying, that NFA will sue him for 250.000 Euro worth in recompensation. The legal proceedings will take place the 3rd of july.
At that point I am against any 'balanced discussion' because the whole situation is out of balance (or better: 'out of joint', as it is said in Hamlet).
If the art etablishment in Cyprus will go on like this, 'Cyprus - never again' will be a slogan for the whole art scene in Europe. NFA does a lot in order to demolish the image of Cyprus.